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UniversalReconSM for Workiva

Workiva is an essential tool for any company to have truly connected data. Workiva solves operational issues for: SOX, ESG, SEC, Audit, Compliance, Financial reporting.

We take that promise one step farther! We make sure the metadata as well as the data from the source systems correctly gets to Workiva.

“Kick-out” reports and record counts are a first step, but they leave you exposed!


We take the next step to make sure:

1. Somebody did not create an account in a source system like NetSuite, Oracle, SAP… but did not create that corresponding account in the feeder sheet in Workiva. This creates account capture issues between the source and target system.
2. Mapping nightmares that impact Workiva are identified.
3. Contra Account logic issues that impact Workiva are avoided.
4. Changes in historical data that nobody told you about are identified and resolved before they get to Workiva.
5. Metadata issues like properly defining account types i.e., Assets / Liabilities…are resolved before they get to Workiva.
6. Naming changes that make data disappear are found.
7. Dimension validation assumptions are set.
8. Account roll-up validations are set.


Try UniversalRecon for free and you will never manually recon. data ever again.

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